Saturday, July 9, 2011

Another term over

Being on holidays is a great chance to reflect on the term that was and set goals for what is to come!

It was as always, an intense yet rewarding term.
I listened to a lot of fabulous speakers who are passionate about education and developing people rather than outcomes.
I was challenged to justify my approach to teaching & learning.
I tried to streamline assessment and share information and feedback online, in real time with students & their parents using blogs & google docs.
I had to think about the role of iPads in teaching & learning and discuss & develop lots of protocols for using technology with the students I work with.
I was challenged to think about how to make learning like Disneyland!
Parent meetings this term had more discussions about "what can we do at home to help our child with their project? How can I add info to the google doc or comments on their blog?" rather than talking solely about standards and outcomes shown in the school report.

So what am I working towards next?

Developing the quality & interactive aspects of student blogs (Thinking, reading & writing)
Continuing to get parents involved with conferencing and/or online interaction
Transforming Maths, Science & History into Disneyland
Planning RE with the children using our Spark sheets to make it relevant & meaningful
Getting out there into the local community (physically & virtually)
Helping build our school's new garden- now that will be Disneyland!

Not asking too much am I? (Those of you who know me can stop laughing now)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Love it Liz! The more goals we have, the more likely we are to achieve at least some of them :) Looking forward to busy and productive times :)
