Saturday, May 28, 2011

Prologue to conferencing

My last post explained how I use conferencing to make personalized learning happen. It's been a few weeks since those first few conferences were set up as goals in google docs. The children have suggested the inclusion of an additional comments column to leave questions and feedback about their work. More students are telling me that their parents have asked for direct access to the document which I am able to provide as there is one document for each child.
A year 4 example of the goals doc - priorities are in pink
A Year 6 example (their wondering: Is make up worth the $$$$?)

I am now wondering about the impact this will have on my reporting - what I have realized is that I am creating a real time anecdotal record book for each child, which their parents and the child themselves can access at anytime. This means that the children are getting feedback about how they are performing and parents can see what their child is working on, my focus for their child and join in with the assessment process. Perhaps in the future the commenting on my reports will be shorter as I can "refer to google doc"????

Imagine the time that would be saved....

And imagine, reporting less more often instead of being expected to produce a detailed report each semester - imagine reporting as the actual learning process is taking place.

Ahhhh.....the possibilities........


  1. That sounds like authentic assessment! The parents would be aware of performance (or lack of) for their child instead of being shocked at report time. I think it would be great from both a parent and teacher perspective to have this 'real time' access to what is happening in the students learning life. So much potential! And it is paperless too! Love it Liz :)

  2. This is so practical and easy to maintain and monitor Liz! Love it!!!

  3. A wonderful collaborative approach to reflection. Your work is inspirational
