Monday, May 28, 2012

Sharing Learning with parents online

This year our school has been looking at ways to share conferencing documentation and Learning Stories with our parents in a way that is sustainable, accessible, yet private and allows for interaction between parents, children and staff.

How can we do this in a 21st Century/Contemporary way??


We have created a private blog for each student using blogger. We have allowed students and other staff to be co-contributors and have made the http address 'unguessable' so people cannot access blogs that are not shared with them willy nilly.

It's been time consuming to create and set up the blogs, yet we hope that now that they are up and running, they will be easy to maintain. This has been a huge learning curve not only for the children, but for the staff and students.

We have also created a Google Site where students and parents can access planners, home learning and village bulletins so that they can stay informed anywhere, anytime.

It will be interesting to see what sort of feedback we get from our families and how to communicate with those families who cannot access the internet easily.

Fingers crossed this works!

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